A special practice to align with the vibrant, reflective energy of the full moon
Yoga Nidra means ''Yogic Sleep'' and is an ancient guided relaxation practice. It is a deeply nourishing experience that connects us to our natural intuition, with rich potential for restoring energy, insight & healing.
We'll move through a few gentle poses to prepare the body before we drop into Nidra. Imagine the most wonderful extended Savasana of your life - that's where we're heading.
*And since the full moon is all about celebration and abundance, everyone who registers can gift the class for free to a friend who is new to my classes*
Everyone is welcome - regular prices (& class cards) apply. Sign up as always: www.yogainenglish.berlin > scroll to schedule
Clear your space, gather your cozy cushions & blankets and take some time out for you...
Looking forward!
Love, Anya
*to gift a class, first register then ask your chosen person to email me before 7pm on Sat 27th for their gifted link (info@yogainenglish.berlin)