Many of you have discussed with me on retreats how the spiritual path is not entirely a journey of ‘love & light’ (as it can seem to be advertised)
It opens up from a deep inner longing for meaning. A search for a way out of suffering. To meet life. To feel more fully alive.
‘’In yogic texts, the word samvega is often translated as ‘vehemence’, because it brings with it an unshakeable resolve to develop into a fully alive human being’’
The subsequent breaking out of habitual mental structures & comfort zones can be uncomfortable.
That discomfort can mean we’re getting more real, we’re really starting to meet life, reality, our mind, ourselves...
‘’It involves a radical realization that objects of grasping are intrinsically empty of the capacity to feed us in the way we really want - or need - to be fed’’
There is so much more to yoga than āsana! Its teachings explore topics of meaning, purpose, desire, attachment, self-hood & so much more...
*Quotes by Stephen Cope