

In today’s class we contemplated and journaled on 'santosha', the Sanskrit term for 'contentment'. I find it beautiful - and realistic - that the yoga tradition doesn't try to sell us 'happiness' as such, but more this very simple, natural state of contentment, or desirelessness. Being as we are. ⁣

Those moments we find ourselves in now and again when we’re not clinging, planning, judging, striving to find happiness outside of ourselves..⁣⁣
It's tempting to start the new year with the usual list of resolutions - vowing to do more, achieve more, become more... ⁣

Can we instead take a step back and notice - when are the moments of desirelesness? When are we able to rest in a sense of things being ok, as they are? ⁣

Essentially, recognising that I, myself, am ok - as I am. Then our goal-setting (which also has a valid place!) can come from a more real place; from a place in which I'm more connected to myself the world around me and able to allow what is best for the whole. ⁣⁣
In these moments - occurring often very naturally and simply - it is said we are resting in our 'Svarupa', our true nature. Who we truly are, before all of the effort.